Naar het nieuwsoverzicht

As from Monday, 6 April 9.00 AM, companies can apply for the Dutch Temporary Wage Allowance (in Dutch: ‘Noodmaatregel Overbrugging Werkgelegenheid’ – NOW). Companies can send in their applications from 6 April – 31 May 2020.

If the company’s turnover will decrease with at least 20% due to the impact of the Corona virus, your application can be registered via the website of the Dutch Social Security Authorities (UWV).

Unfortunately the registration process is in Dutch only.

Specific information companies should include with the application are:

  • Company information: name, address (in the Netherlands), telephone number, e-mail, information contact person.
  • For companies which already applied for the (former existing) regulation: Working Time Reduction (Regeling Werktijdverkorting): the existing file number.
  • The existing file number can be found on the receipt of the Ministry of Social Affairs. The file number exists of 5 or 6 figures.
  • The NL withholding tax number (loonheffingennummer).
  • In case of multiple withholding tax numbers, a separate application will be needed for each tax number.
  • The period in which at least 20% turnover decrease will be expected (within 3 consecutive months between 1 March up to and including 31 July 2020):
    • 1 March – 31 May 2020; or
    • 1 April – 30 June 2020; or
    • 1 May – 31 July 2020.
  • The expected percentage of the company’s turnover decrease.
  • The bank account number and name details:
    • This must be the bank account number on which the company already receives the payments from the NL Tax Authorities, regarding wage taxes.
    • The bank account number must be a Dutch number (foreign employers with a foreign bank account number will be allowed to provide a Dutch bank account number within 4 weeks. The subsidy will then be paid on this Dutch bank account number).
    • Payment will only be made in this bank account number.
  • Signature of a legal representative of the company.

UWV strives to make the first advance payments (80% of the requested wage subsidy) within 2 to 4 weeks, after receipt of the application. The application should be complete. The second advance payment will be made approximately one month later. The third advance payment will be made approximately one month after the second payment.

Please make sure that you will have all necessary information and documentation available, when applying for the Dutch Temporary Wage Allowance.

Pallas Attorneys-at-Law

If you meet the conditions, Pallas Attorneys-at-Law advises you to apply as soon as possible, for we expect a huge rush towards the UWV-website.

If you have any questions, or if you need assistance with the application for the Temporary Wage Allowance, please contact your lawyer with Pallas Attorneys-at-Law, or contact Alain Camonier on +31 20 470 93 64, or by e-mail:

Auteur: Alain Camonier

De bereidheid vooraf in u als klant te investeren, is in de advocatuur zeker geen gemeengoed. Wij doen dat wel en dat is een heel bewuste keuze. Want dat levert aan twee kanten winst op: wij kunnen beter advies leveren en kunnen sneller schakelen, u krijgt gericht advies dat nauw aansluit bij u en uw situatie.

Meer over Alain